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Haitech global business corporation and steady-x explores partnership with KEC


Representatives from Haitech Global Business Corporation and Steady-X paid a working visit to the E-Learning Centre on Friday the 26th of August, 2022. The delegation was led by Mr. Sunny Liu, Vice General Manager (Africa Market, Haitech).


Haitech Global Business is a corporation established to provide ICT solutions, educational projects and other infrastructural projects. With custom-made products, they provide IT solutions for both large and small businesses. Haitech Online solution seeks to run online classes for student with little or no human contact. The classes are automatically recorded and saved on their servers.


Mr. Sunny Liu, highlighted that the organization provides E-education solutions for which their target market is various institutions across Africa that need to upgrade their E-Learning methodologies and also provide devices to improve their service delivery. They also provide E-Library solutions for library management.

Mr. Sunny Liu mentioned that the Hiatech team having been following the goings on in the University is very much aware of the success stories of the Vice-Chancellor’s digitization agenda and the e-learning implementation exploits of the University and so would like to partner the University specifically the E-Learning Centre and UITS in ensuring that we do more in this regard.


Prof Asante expressed his utmost gratitude for the proposal presentation and then stated that Haitech’s E-classroom solutions would be suitable for the satellite campuses of the University.

Other members of the Haitech team included Robin Wang - Technical Director, Mr. John Ayayee and Ps..Derrick Amo Sakyi - Assemblies of God. 


Published:26th August, 2022 Source: KNUST E-Learning Centre